NYの数あるアンティークショップの中でも、“STOCK VINTAGE”は特にエキサイティングで孤高な存在だ。オーナーのメリッサが扱う数々のVINTAGEは、スーパーレアな物はもちろん、とても洗練されいるアーリーセンチュリーの洋服だったり、ここでしか見れないようなアメリカンフォークアート等、そこにはいわゆるVINTAGE SHOPにはない、彼女のセンスが間違いなく光っている。
Amongst the large number of antique shops in New York, Stock Vintage stands out as a particularly exciting store. Owner Melissa stocks a wide variety of vintage items including very sophisticated early 20th century clothing and American folk art that can only be found in her store.
Stock Vintage provides something that other so-called vintage shops don’t and this undoubtedly reflects Melissa’s impeccable taste. The shop’s location also adds to the experience. It is situated in a garage in Brooklyn that makes visitors feel as though they have travelled back in time into an old movie.
Melissa’s mother runs an antique shop and according to her this had a large influence on what she does now and is the source of her creativity. Her unique, subtle and discerning taste is surely something we will always be able to rely on.
143 East 13th Street, New York, NY 10003 • 212-505-2505